2023 – Board of Directors
President – Ron Lockhart: ronlockhart7@gmail.com
Vice President Operations/Clubhouse – Mark McRoberts: MamcRoberts@shaw.ca
Secretary – Lyn Dumont: irishrockinrugby@gmail.com
Treasurer- Aaron Morril
VP Junior Rugby –Shane Kinghorn
VP Senior Women’s Rugby- Kelsey Anderson
VP Senior Men Rugby – Kev Allsopp
Director Communications & Marketing- Tammy Paice
Director Club Development- Stuart Rose
Director Socials & Events- Kyle Keim

The Calgary Canadian Irish Athletic Club (CCIAC) is a non-profit, Athletic Association. We provide programs for the health, wellness and athletic needs of youth and adults in Calgary and surrounding areas, utilizing high quality athletic fields and recreational facilities. The club is operated and maintained by dedicated volunteers who exemplify the club’s commitment and dedication to the community. As with most non-profit associations, we face the challenges of rising operating costs of meeting the needs of our membership while keeping the cost of programs affordable so they remain accessible to everyone in the community.
Whether you are a former club player, coach, member, friend and supporter, you know that youths and adults alike join the Calgary Canadian Irish Athletic Club with great hopes. Some dream of representing their cities, provinces and countries on behalf of the Irish. Some wish to provide the city’s youth and adults an opportunity to grow as athletes, leaders and people. Most simply enjoy the camaraderie and personal fulfillment that comes with being a part of a team and club with a history of success and fun. The 2023 year promises to build on the success of previous seasons. This season, the club will be fielding 3 senior men’s teams and 2 senior women’s. The youth section of the club also continues to grow with competition available at the U8, U11, U13, U15, U17 and U18/U19 levels.
The Calgary Canadian Irish Athletic Club’s success on the field is directly related to the support it received from the Irish Rugby Community, of which you’re a key member. Please consider making a contribution to the club. As almost all of the fees, equipment and expenses including training and travel, are borne by the players themselves, your ongoing support has an immediate and direct impact on the club at all team levels, providing much needing funding for coaching, balls, jerseys, medical equipment, practice pads, facility maintenance and facility upgrades.
Support from alumni and friends of the Calgary Irish are greatly appreciated, and allows our teams to compete at the highest level possible. With our continued effort and dedication on the field and within the community, coupled with your financial support, we will continue to maintain a standard of excellence that has marked our existence since the formation of the club many years ago.
Support may be provided in one of the following three forms:
- Social Club Membership
- Donations
- Sponsorship Opportunities
Please follow the links above or headers at the top of the page to contribute:
On behalf of a successful 2023 season, and all of those who benefit from your contribution, thank you for supporting the Calgary Canadian Irish Athletic Association
Ron Lockhart
Calgary Canadian Irish Athletic Club